Why doesn't the Particle Mesh Renderer Work?! If you've tried to use the Mesh Renderer to use 3D Objects geometry in your particle system, it doesn't work! I will show you the solution, and how to set up a Clone to Particles node to achieve the same effect.
Notch Node Graph Navigation
A quick overview of the key commands used to move around the Node Graph in Notch. We will cover the basics of moving around, as well as a few tips that help you work with a larger scene.
Notch Particle Basics
A quick overview of the basics of setting up a particle system in Notch. We cover the essential nodes needed to create a particle system and how to make it all work.
Getting Started In Notch - Basic Overview Walkthrough
This video walks you through the very first experience with Notch. It covers the different download options for the software, starting a new project, the main areas of the interface, using different types of nodes, navigating the viewport and manipulating objects, importing resources, and using cameras. This will give you the foundational skills needed to start creating with and exploring Notch. Get Notch https://notch.one